
why oh why...

coldplay's new album won't be out til june 17th...so far away!

my muffler is so annoying.

i am so over dating...get a life and man up. why can't you just be normal and do what you feel. if you aren't sure how you feel, don't pull crap like rubbing my leg in sunday school while i am reading a scripture aloud...hypothetically speaking. i can't believe i even helped you out today...let alone come to your house. i guess i have a slow learning curve.

i am now having to act my age and that scares me to death.

being responsible is way overrated!

throwing parties suck and i spent way too much on delicious food that took a long time to make!

i feel like i really used to know who i was, but now not so much. i am second guessing what i think about everything. i used to be the kind of person with my head on straight and semi knew what i was doing. now i don't know what i am doing or what i am supposed to be doing and that is really frustrating! i just want to be young again where the biggest decision was what i was doing that weekend.

i wish i had my own tv show like the hills. i think i have a pretty interesting and drama filled life...with my family alone. i think i have a lot to bring the world of reality television.

i wish dawson's creek were still on. no way were those kids in high school...the best episode is when pacey and joey get locked in walmart all night. that is so hilarious and who wouldn't love to living in walmart for a night?


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Hey girl -- I don't know much about dating...but I know that every time I gave up on it, I found someone great. Weird.

Camille said...

Okay, so this will officially make me a loser but joey and pacey were locked in kmart not walmart! And I totally want to be locked in kmart with pacey...I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with him. I think it's way easier to fall in love with tv boys than with real boys....and I'm sorry to hear about the boy.

hadjo said...

Hello ali-son. I love those Dawson Creeker kids jumpin into each others beds.

Matt said...

Your family sucks, there is no drama there, now speed racer cars, there is a show

Ashley and Aaron said...

I remember when I only had to worry about weekend plans...now I clean up baby barf and poop all day...but the little guy is totally worth it. Nobody really feels like they have it all together, it's all just a facade. It's the occasional days where I put real effort into my appearance and still manage to take care of a baby and get housework done that keep me going...but those days are definitely occasional. So don't sweat it...everyone feels the same way you do and you are an absolute star!PS: I'm thinking about cutting bangs...your thoughts?