
i passed!

don't be shocked when i say that i am not the most patient person...crazy. i know! with the being said i will now dabble in why i am not the most patient person.
1 ridiculous computer 'glitches'. i really could eat my entire delicious chinese lunch special of orange chicken and ham fried rice, in the time it takes for my computer to load one thing! i am pretty sure that my time 'wasted' waiting for my computer to work is somewhere in the hours category. really i get so bored that once wore a balloon on my nose and thought, out loud mind you, why haven't i ever done this before? at which point kc made a lot of fun of me and dared me to keep it on the remaining 20 minutes of work. i couldn't. it got in the way of talking on the phone.
2 ridiculous 'boys'. i am so sick and tired of 'playing' the dating game that i could scream. in fact sometimes i do scream. if i had a dollar for every time i got into my car/room and screamed at the top of my lungs due to frustration from the opposite sex, i would be a millionaire and be problem-free...cause everyone knows that the rich have no problems ever! boys, if you like a girl...just let her know. not so much in words, but in deeds. offer to bring her lunch on a busy day of work, take her car to get washed, make her a wicked playlist for her ipod or take her to get ice cream after a bad hair day. girls, if you like a guy...TELL him. guys are thick skulled and need to hear in words how you feel. if you are lucky their answer will sound something like this...'that's awesome suzy, i feel the same way'...if it sounds like this...'oh okay'...i think you're in trouble.
3 stupid mufflers. so my muffler is falling off. big deal! what does a muffler do anyway? i am pretty sure my car would be better off without it. someone told me if i got it fixed it would help my gas mileage...i think it was a lie to sound smart...another point to the aforementioned ridiculous boys section.

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