
here we go...

Why is it that everything I do directly affects everyone in my bubble. I thought that I had an understanding with all those in my bubble that I am rarely serious and to never take me as such! I hate confrontation, I can't stand contention, and would rather die than have someone close to me mad at me! I am for the most part a happy and nice person and want others to feel the same. I have never committed murder, I have never committed adultery and I have never done drugs or had a drink of alcohol a day in my life! By many standards I am a good person, I have my flaws and made too many mistakes to remember! With that said...PLEASE stop thinking my life.slash.world revolves around you and your life! While I may care about you and wish good things for you...I will at the end of the day have my best interests in mind. I am a solo rider, like on Never Been Kissed when Josie_Drew Barrymore_is about to ride the Ferris wheel alone and the operator yells 'lonely rider'...that's me! I like being by myself every so often to think and breath! I am sorry that I can't take on all of your problems and lift you up when you fall all the time cause I have just as much to handle as you! And for the record this is one of those rare times when I am serious...crazy I know.

With that said...Utah has the weirdest weather! Snow on April 24th...sick is all I can say! But you know where there's not snow...St. George! Thanks Shannon for taking tomorrow off for the both of us, don't worry I alphabetized the returns.exchanges. You're welcome.


Aubrey Anne said...

People should totally quote Never Been Kissed more often. Love.

jayni & ben said...

I love never been kissed also. I hope you are okay and whoever this person is needs to back up off my Aly Or ELSE!! haha I love you and I hope this is not towards me.