have you ever broken your nail at that point where it is way too short, but you have to cut off the rest of it at that 'too short' stage cause you can't have a crooked nail...heaven forbid! well i know you have cause it is inevitable that it happens at some point in you life. why can't we just leave it alone and let it heal itself? well if you are like me, there is not chance that you are leaving the sucker alone!
or like when you have that gigantic blemish on your chin...you are going to squeeze the shiz out of that little bugger cause you want it gone! and no matter how hard and how much it hurts, you aren't going to stop until all the crap is out of that tiny little clogged pore.
the point is that we all do things that hurt so. sometimes we can't breath and tears stream from our eyes without invitation. why? cause we are human and apparently we learn from experience and mistakes...well some of us learn from mistakes, i happen to have a slow learning curve with most of mine. learning/growth/change we can't escape. it will come no matter the circumstances and our social status.
it only took me 22 years 10 months and 10 days to realize. go me!