
happy green day

okay surprise, surprise i have more things to say because well i really like to hear myself talk. but i guess this would be considered writing. which if you were to also say that i like to read what i write you would be making a correct statement.

the other night when i came home to a sea of men...and by sea of men i mean 5...we were talking and laughing because let's face it we are girls and laugh at things that sea of men say. right? anyway we were talking and one of the men said that he wished he had a video camera to record the things we did in a day. and yes, as i am typing this now i am realizing how creepy that may actually sound if taken out of context. and i am sure some of you will take this out of context...pervs. i got so excited and i believe i said something to the effect of 'you have no idea how much i wish i had my own realitytv show!' they laughed because they must have thought i was joking, but i was dead serious. i think i would make for some great tv. it's why i have a playlist on my ipod titled...my life: the soundtrack. not real original i know, but it is my show so change channels.

going back to my perm today. her name was yoshie. so naturally as i was using the restroom after said perm i got to thinking while washing my hands. i started thinking about the only famous yoshie i know.

yes the lovable and trusty green dinosaur/mode of transportation we all fell in love with on mario! i remember the day that my brother told me that yoshi {notice the spelling difference...google it} was in fact a girl! it rocked my little gamer world. ha ha. i just referred to myself as a gamer. i'm awesome, and lying. anyways i just googled it and he is in fact a guy. matt you were wrong...how you made it onto 'where in time is carmen sandiego' is beyond me. moving on, remember how if you made yoshi eat enough of those fruit things he would poop out stuff for you. i swear he pooped out extra lives once...am i mistaken on that? anyway the point is i had to restrain from asking my client if yoshie is a common female name in japan. i guess i could google that myself but if you know me you would know that i am really lazy by nature. there's another story there trust me.

sidenote: well i guess this is a footnote. i didn't realize the picture of yoshi would look ginormous in my post...sorry.

1 comment:

Aubrey Anne said...

Matt was on Carmen San Diego?! The best show on the planet!? Oh.My.Gosh. k moving on, my kids are obsessed with Yoshi, which btw, I love because I get to relive my childhood ;)