
i broke my dot box

i failed to mention my creepy man encounter today.

i was enjoying my lunch at bajio...a side of rice and beans with their onions and a bit of chicken topped with shredded cheese, yum...when my co.worker/friend monica recognizes some guy. turns out it was her dentist. he then asks about her flossing and she answers. then he proceeds to ask me how often i floss and puts his hand on my shoulder which catches me off guard and then i can't remember what else happened cause i was so taken back by him touching me. it was the sort of gesture you would do to someone you know...like a friend, co.worker or even your church leader...but a stranger. no that was not okay and i was a little bugged. and as if my flossing habits, or lack there of, is any of his business. weirdo.

keep in mind that i am eating dots and probably won't brush my teeth tonight cause it would taste really gross after eating dots.

and i am really sick of trying to help someone that doesn't want to be helped. it's like adding wood to a dying fire...it works for a minute, but ends up dying down again...yearning for attention and never saying thanks...just hisses at you.

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