
such a great day

my little sister called me today to tell me that she has been .75 credits away from getting her high school diploma...a fact that we all knew a year ago when we all told her to finish her stupid packets. whilst i was talking to her i was making my meager turkey sandwich on whole grain bread...supposedly it is healthy for you...i was slicing some cheese and somehow in my distracted state of being on the phone, i made my entire block of cheese fall on to my kitchen floor. the sad thing is that it cost a lot of money and i was only half way through the block! i was devastated and may or may not have cussed, and then had to discard my freaking cheese! it's times like this, that make me think my life is more like a movie than i give it credit for. i can't tell you how many times i throw my hands in the air and utter...these kinds of things only happen in the movies. it happens a lot.

i realized the other day that i don't post nearly as many pictures as i probably should. but you know what...i don't really have the patience to do so. so you have to just deal with reading my ramblings on my deepest inner thoughts. you're welcome. i will however remember to post what i have planned to wear tomorrow when i journey to lagoon for a day of fun in the sun with the asay clan...sans james and toni. i can't even begin to tell you how excited i am for this event. i have been wanting to go to lagoon all summer, but when i found out it cost almost as much as 2 weeks of groceries, i had to draw the line somewhere. so thanks to my little brother schmo, we have discount tickets and it will only cost me one week of groceries...i think i can handle that. i will just eat every meal at my sister's house next week...it will be okay, i did it for 4.5 years already. she likes it.

one more thing before i go...

fall launches at shade clothing on the 20th of august. that's this thursday. i already have my eye on about $500 worth of merchandise...and yes that is after my discount. so needless to say, maybe there will be multiple weeks of no groceries. and maybe no gas. i can walk to work.


jayni & ben said...

you are crazy. But I love it. I am calling you next week and we are going to dinner or something. I need more Aly Asay in my life!!

paige said...

maybe you should have just cut off the part of your cheese that hit the floor instead of throwing it all away...