my sister had her baby yesterday! she had a little girl that is just 1 oz shy of being 9.5 pounds! that is a big baby in case you were wondering. she is so adorable and i am so happy that i got to go see her yesterday. after a planned c.section my sister kate is doing great! and so is the dad, nate! okay i did that just cause i knew it rhymed! they don't have a name picked yet so i am calling her squishy because she is really chubby and squishy. she also has a ton of dark hair! so sweet.
the other night i was thinking about how much can change in one year. in one year i have grown exponentially! i have discovered a lot about myself and about those around me. i discovered a lot of truths that i wish would have stayed hidden cause the truth is too much to bear at times. people showed their true colors this year and i am starting to think that i may be better off for knowing the way they really are. why can't all people in the world be honest and save you the trouble of you hating them? i don't really hate anyone...just lindsay lohan.
i was also pondering the other night about the beauty of moonlight. as i was unsuccessfully trying to sleep sat night i noticed that the moon was positioned right in the middle of my open window and shining right on my arm...that is tan now cause i have been going know me! anyway. no matter where i moved the moonlight was in my eyes and bugging. so i decided to look for the positive in the situation and actually found the moment very beautiful. there is something about the thought of it being so dark, but at the same time be able to see 3d shadows. shadows dancing uninhibited in the pale light. shadows plastered on the walls.
shadows, shadows, shadows.
Um she has a name you know, Millie Kate Kamerath.
Aly, sometimes you are just so deep. It astounds me.
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