i just realized that i have a really cute pair of sandals that i really love...and i didn't wear them once this summer. they are still packed up. boo...i am really bummed.
10 favorites
food...i think right now, rice cakes with peanut butter and banana slices
song...just like heaven by the cure
movie...right now, little miss sunshine
sport...to watch, football
season...rainy season. i like to jump in puddles
day of the week...currently tuesdays, cause that is the day of my cake decorating class. i am furthering my education.
ice cream flavor...i love swirl cones
time of day...um, i think 8:15am as i am driving to work and the sun is in my eyes
9 currents
taste...the start of morning breath
clothes...gray sweat shorts and a plain white v.neck tee
desktop picture...the default pier at nighttime. my one at work is a bunch of oranges
tonail color...mintt green from urban
time...1:27 am
surroundings...the dim glow of the corner lamp in the office
annoyance...my old old old ipod. i want a new one.
thought...how tired i am, but also thinking about him
8 firsts
best friend...millie young or rachel schriver
kiss...i plead the fifth
screen name...i don't aol. i am changing this to pen name...sammie macdonald
pet...max our cocker spaniel that ran away one beautiful sunday while we were watching america's funniest home videos.
crush...i think it was zacc call...how embarrassing
music you remember hearing...lorenna mckennitt, my mom was obsessed
car...1999 honda civic
speeding ticket...senior year. i was 17 and going 42 in a 25 zone. $125 later...whatev.
7 lasts
cigarette...never had one
drink...margarita. don't worry it was virgin
car ride...drove home from Heid's b.day bash
kiss...boo, not a good experience
movie seen...definitely maybe, cute
phone call...camille
cd played...really cd's...it was probably a random mix at work...'this is a water conversation' maybe
6 have you evers
dated one of your best friends...yes
broken the law...speeding ticket
been arrested...nope
skinny dipped...i plead the fifth on this too.
been on tv...unfortunately yes. never really that fun.
kissed someone you didn't know...sort of.
5 things (5 things for each)
your'e wearing...white shirt, gray shorts, eiffel for this color fingernail polish, awesome bracelets i made at the beginning of the summer and mint green toenail polish
you've done today...painted my nails, took a shower, went to lunch, went to walmart, went to a surprise party and rocked the house at scene it.
you can hear right now...my ipod tunes, some loud airplane or something, my fingers tapping on the keyboard, my own breathing and my jaw popping as i yawn
you can't live without...my ipod, my cell, my fingenail polish, my purse and my shoes
you do when you're bored...blog, write, doodle, play the piano and sleep.
4 places you've been today...
cafe rio
heids and kristins.
3 people you can tell anything to...
2 choices...
apples or bananas...bananas
1 thing you want to do before you die...
go to africa.
You could tell me ANYTHING?? Really? Okay, then let's go back to that skinny dipping question. What really happened that night?
I am with you on the bananas. I could eat one everyday and not get sick of them!
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