
i wanna jump in a puddle.

yesterday at work we were trying to figure out how much we have spent on the new fall line that is still working it's way into the warehouse daily. i checked out all my paid invoices and then added up that amount that i still owe for the stuff that i have taken home cause i am deciding if i like it or not....the total was about $300 and that is even with my sweet 50% family discount. if i did my math right...that is a grand total of $600 dollars on shirts and sweaters for fall. $600 on just tops! can you believe how retarded i am with my money. The fact that i have any to live at all is amazing. the other thing that sucks is that i got paid yesterday and all my hard earned overtime hours two weeks ago...basically went all to taxes. freakin h.e.double hockey sticks my tax refund next year is going to be awesome...right?

i've been thinking i should move to california. it seems like the cool thing to do. utah sucks with the rain and the snow. plus if i move to california...i won't be here. makes perfect sense to me.

ew...i just found two long blonde hairs on my new black zip hoodie...i don't have a single blonde hair on my body. who's is this. gag.

today at wally world...aka wal mart...we were searching for a great candy mix for a little surprise party later today and we would stumble upon something that had the potential to be wickedly awesome, but then there would be whoppers in the mix and i would get so frustrated. who even likes freaking whoppers anyway. for real as we were about to leave i found a mix with peanut butter cups, baby ruth, crunch and hershey bars...great for chocolate lovers as i was reaching for the large mix, whoppers jumped off the bag and i threw the mix yelling 'damn you whoppers...for ruining every mix in the world'. i HATE whoppers, almost as much as i hate lindsay lohan. oh and jordin sparks. one step at a time is the lamest song.

yours truly

double a


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

Move to California! But the income taxes are higher here (sorry!) and sales tax is 7.5 percent. The weather is BEAUTIFUL though...which is a good motivator.

Unknown said...

California will welcome you with open arms. In fact, I hear they already have a chocolate coffee cake waiting for you.

jayni & ben said...

hahaha. You make me laugh! Do NOT move to Cali. I would be so sad so so sad :( You are a nerd with your money but at least you always look cute. OH and I like whoppers:)