
s.a.p sucks

for the past little while i have been so annoyed with all the dumb requests i get on facebook...so and so has sent you a vampire/when will you get married/what kind of mom will you be/what do your eyes say about you/warbook etc...request. i get so annoyed! well i broke down cause basically i was bored. here is what beatles song represents my life...
Eleanor Rigby:
You feel lonely and jaded by society. (you may stick your head in an oven at any moment) No one seems to understand how you feel, and thus you feel isolated from others. (you are a loser) Sometimes it feels like you're only half-awake, as if you're in a dream just going through the motions of life. (you probably like to get high) Inside that jaded exterior though, you are full of life and dreams. (you do cool stuff while high). emphasis added

in all honesty eleanor rigby is a pretty rockin song with a catchy chorus covering the depressing fact that she dies alone.
last night i decided i don't care how i die...just as long as i am wearing a great pair of shoes.
i heart heath ledger


Lindy Kyle said...

Hey Aly!!! So good to hear from you! I CANNOT BELIEVE that you saw Pasha!!! I seriously am sooooooooo in love with him! You are officially the coolest girl I know!

Aubrey Anne said...

Can I please just say that I can't STAND facebook? All that lame stuff drives me crazy. SECOND of all, the beatles song quiz thing sounds really freakin fantastic. As far as Facebook goes.... :)

bartonbeat said...

ALY--found your blog! and i LOVE, LOVE & LOVE your haircut! yum. you look hot! would love to see you sometime soon, maybe even for a cut & color. little wade needs to meet you too. hope you're doing well.