
cup of noodles...you're weird!

okay so good news minute...
i don't have to work tomorrow!
i finally had time to wash my hair tonight!
i found my junior mints that i put in the freezer two weeks ago!
my pain from lifting boxes is isolated to my neck!
and payday is on friday which means i get an easter dress after all!
i made it to farmington in 39 minutes...go me!
my cup of noodles were delicous!
did i mention i don't have to work?


Jessica Adams said...

Al you make me laugh. :)
You made it to Farmington in 39 minutes from... like... Provo? Girl...

jayni & ben said...

Sounds like a good day. Love when I find yummy stuff that I put away. You need to slow down while driving makes me nervous!! Me and Ben are babysiting Jax and Janessa at my mom's this week. I would love to see your SMILING face there one night!!